Thursday, October 29, 2009

The memorable day**

Today is a day to remember;

A day to recur in a slumber.

You were very much there

As you had been told earlier

I would come there to see you,

The Onum two days away though.

A great concession, indeed.

On your way to work place

I met you to your surprise

And left with you in private

My papers of verses of you,

The edited version with some new.

A marvelous response, indeed.

On my pretext visit to the work place

A little later, you lent me warmth

In your talks and looks

Assuring from that you haven’t

Been offended by my act a little ago.

A reassuring love, indeed.

Time and space didn’t dry our love.

In the absence of those who know

Us well, how light you were and

What nonsense we spoke!

Well written on your face was

That you enjoyed my presence.

A fountain of essence, indeed

Little had I thought when I came to you

That you would be present, as told, to see me

Or you would be willing to encourage

My connections by accepting my love songs.

Such was the case, indeed.


To cuckold

Why must I have fallen in love with her?

It is not her charm I’m a victim of.

I think it is her superior race

That I avenged, cuckolding her man.


Love without being discontent

Mere presence is enough

To let me know

She is there for me.

Sheer silence is enough

To sound me that

She relishes my presence.

Bare talks are enough

To make me know

What are unsaid.

Fear to advance is enough

for me to discern that

Her heart is at war.

We drank our juice of love

With content, without

Other’s discontent.


Sorry for the trouble

She said,

“I love you; I still love you; it’s true.

Steal my heart and leave my flesh,”

She continued,

“I can’t get stolen by flesh as the stigma looms

From my children, grown in age and ranks.”


Emotion outstrips beauty.

The lady I love

Is not a sinuous Ishwarya,

Nor a stiff Simran,

Nor a spring Kareena;

In preference to them

I choose a n

To behold and hold,

Who only I could whip

With passion and strip

Shyness of, to her whims.


Modesty is reserved

That painting lures me to buy.

I can’t. It would rob my wealth.

Its duplicate costs me one tenth.

Even that I prefer to let go.

I settled with its photo print

For paltry sum I grow not poor by.

Woman bends just to flirt

Like one buying a photo print


The modest vs. the immodest

A modest woman differs from an

Immodest one in that the modest one

Withdraws the moment she feels her

Passion for a man is detected by him

Whereas the immodest one prolongs her

Affairs till others also detect it.


The majestic beauty

A lady of majestic beauty

Made her presence in a party

Letting herself be the object

Of focus with a countenance

Showing how conscious she was

Of the effect that she produced

Among lords young and old around

Though it must be more of pride

Than of vanity, more than which

Such like women would not care.

The majestic beauty is not vulnerable.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Sexual love cannot be pretended.

In a drama if a king commands,
He pretends, not participates.
In a drama if a villain angers,
He pretends, not participates.
In a love scene the man and the woman
Pretend not and participate
Though not revealing each other.
Faith in sex is not to be trusted.

Only she matters to him till…

Dancing stimulates a man to make
His woman feel like she’s the only woman
That matters to him.
Courtship encourages a man to make
His woman feel like she’s the only woman
That matters to hem.
Pining convinces a man to find
Himself feel like she’s the only woman
That mattes to him.
Only she had mattered to him
Till he has found a new one.

Sex education

Mothers teach young ones,
Be they a child, a calf or a cub,
How to prey and be away,
Two basic things for survival.
They don’t teach about sex,
Which is for survival of the race.
Must there be sex education?
The God has imbibed it in every soul


She likes listening to you
And then talking with you.
She acknowledges your presence
And then grants her presence.
She let her eyes meet yours
And then throws private glances
She pretends your intensions
And then accept casual presents.
She ignores incidental touches.
Now the ground is ripe for flirtation.
Flirtation is an art of living.
Flirtation is an art of loving.
Flirtation is the essence of life.
No adultery; a harmless recreation.

The colour and the odour

Clouds of locame floating into my life;

They didn’t give rain nor ushered in storms.
Of course, they’ve added colour to my sky.

Games of love came entertaining my life;
They didn’t earn me a goal or a penalty.
Of course, they added odour to my court.

The colour and the odour

Clouds of love came floating into my life;
They didn’t give rain nor ushered in storms.
Of course, they’ve added colour to my sky.

Games of love came entertaining my life;
They didn’t earn me a goal or a penalty.
Of course, they added odour to my court.

Sexual void

He knows not his wife is a paramour;
She knows not her spouse is a paramour.
Illicit relations have existed
Since the time immemorial so as
To fill necessarily the sexual void
Of the repressed society all along.
Orgasm demands outright exploration,
That a stranger only can bring about.
Adultery is lovely, the urge of life,
But guilt is built and the shame is outcome.

Spouse swapping is a new phenomenon,
Which quite nicely fills the sexual void,
Without guilt and without betrayal
And without the danger of breaking home.
The un-possessiveness in a great deal
Must be mandatory to accomplish.
Spouse swapping is a decent prostitution.
Spouse swapping is a mutual gratification.
Stigma severed, acceptance will gain ground.

Women never own you

No one gives bribe willingly.
No woman submits lovingly.
Both do so that they succeed
With resentments reserved.

No king lost war willingly.
No woman showed readily.
Both did so with no options
With grudges for the usurpers.

The women you won
Will never own you.

Mono Lisa smiles

Mono Lisa is famous for her smile.
She is neither feminine nor masculine:
A product being androgynous.
The figure is the combination of
Egyptian god and goddess of
Fertility: Arum and Isis.
Hence, she lacks appeal to either sex.

Cleopatra’s glory

Cleopatra was the queen of Egypt;
Cleopatra was the queen of beauty.
She came to the throne at her eighteen
The first century BC witnessed it.

To get back her Egypt from her brother,
She sought the hand of Julius Caesar,
The mighty one Rome had ever seen,
And set to sell her asset of beauty.

While in exile, she was able to reach
Caesar when he chanced to visit Egypt,
By getting her smuggled in to his room,
Rolled up in a carpet sent as a gift

Cleopatra emerging from the roll,
Caesar was stunned and fell for her in love.
He made her queen of Egypt in no time
And made her his consort with all respects.

Bound by her charm, grace and wit together,
Caesar clued to her and bore her a son.
He brought her home to be adored by Rome.
They led a life, each proud of the other.

The rise of Caesar was the cause of his fall.
His rise in power and love for Egypt
Were good enough for his conspirators
To rise and annihilate him unaware.

Cleopatra with her son fled to Egypt
And Mark Antony succeeded the throne.
No wonder, her beauty arrested him.
No wonder, his valour imprisioned her.

.The Rome emperor and the Egyptian queen
Loved, like of which no pair ever did.
The spring sprang, love spurted, and the passion flowed.
She was all and she was the world for him.

He took to Egypt and slept with the queen.
His rivals from Rome used his weakness
And invaded the Egyptian sea.
War broke; Antony woke and fought but lost.

The majestic queen became the captive.
False news spread that she was killed. Shocked,
Antony killed himself with the sword he wore.
She saught to burry him with state honour.

She heard she would be taken to Rome,
To be chained and drawn in Rome she adorned.
Romans took care that she killed not herself
And so kept her ss safe amidst water.

She had serpents brought in the fruit basket
And had them sting her to join her lover.
She loved Caesar and lived a royal wife.
She loved Antony and lived a loyal wife.

A woman can love as much in succession.
Widowhood is not an impediment
And the land after the harvest is not waste.
Cleopatra is a perfect example.

‘Age cannot wither her, not custom stale
Her infinite variety; other women cloy
The appetites they feed, but she makes hungry
Where most she satisfies.’ Shakespeare

The value of kiss

An erotic kiss is close to intercourse.
A woman’s lips symbolize the vulva
And a man’s tongue, the phallus in their mind.
His hygiene and skill promise her a good course.

Why not to be true?

I was much delighted to see
You come to work expecting me
As I came there longing for you.
I was resonated to feel
You suppressed the tempting answers
To the questions I intended to put.
When we had a tryst to converse,
We beamed to have conveyed the sense
Through the nonsense of our talks.
We don’t call our relation love
But others call it a scandal.
Then, why not to be true to them?

A woman’s delicacy

Every woman faces this situation
When she deals with a male companion:
Her heart will struggle between the wish
Not to be harsh to him and the fear
That she might mislead him with words
That she intended to be sweet.

A woman forty plus aspires...

I must be the centre of attention
And reaffirm my desirability.
I must feel validated as a woman
And re-experience the romance of love.
Let be burnt the ennui of monogamy.
Let come again the sexual excitement
That I went through at my first night.
Need not the man in focus be a prince,
An emperor nor a millionaire.
Let him be the one I want to be with,
In accordance with my safety,
Proximity and convenience.
Just for a ‘love you leave you alliance.’
Yes, I must waste no time to test my worth
And remain faithful with my husband.


Oedipus was king of Thebis;
Jacarta was wife of Oedipus.

Oedipus was sincere in his duty.
‘While you suffer, none suffer more than I’,
With this, he resolved to save the city
By finding out the killer of King Lains.

Teiresias, a blind prophet, accused him,
‘You are the cursed polluter of this land.’
‘Terrible things indeed has the prophet spoken.
The killer of King Lains shall be banished’

The tension mounted, the truth revealed.
He was the son of King Lains he killed.
He married the king’s wife, Jacasta,
Without knowing that she was his mother.

Crippled with ignominy for the killing,
Oedipus preferred death but banished himself
As the banishment was the cure of the city.

Jacaste loved Oedipus and believed in chance.
‘Chance rules our life and the future is all unknown.
Best live as best we may, day to day’
She could not allow him to be doomed.

Oedipus must not know about his origin,
Which would reveal her relation to him.
She met her death, a proper end of incest.

Dumb intimacy

In your presence I am silent
And in my presence you are.
Between us silence is comfortable.
Is not it itself a proof
That we are bound by affinity.
I am a man and you, a woman.
Is not that itself a proof
That it is more than an affinity.
Let us not reveal what it means,
To spare us that embarrassment.
Let us be dumbly intimate.
That intimacy is more sounding;
That silence is more sounding.

Crime must cove crime

A woman of passion married a king,
Who, a widower, fell for her beauty.
Consumed by passion, madness in heart,
She could not but love his son, so robust,
‘And wanted to bend the stiffness of his will.’
She began to tempt him with all her assets
And miserably failed to seduce him.
Bitten by the rage, born out of ignominy
Of being neglected and her pride wounded,
She ventured to take revenge on the son.
In front of her husband, she accused him
Of having raped her using his absence.
The king in rage put to death his son.
‘If love will not obey, it must be vanquished,’
The queen beamed, with guilt underneath gnawing.