Sunday, January 31, 2010


Lose and short became your hair
Thin and flat are now your cheeks
Bulged is only your lower lip.
Two years made all the havoc.
But for me who can inspire you?
Here after who is there to inspire you?
You are not with me as you were then
Is it so that my exit is near?
24.06.2002, pakd


A female has two options:
To reject or accept
A male has two options:
To omit or select
Male is active. Female is passive.
The move comes from the male
The move is fluid in state,
Flowing from up to down
That is why man
Is not blamed for the scandal
27.06.2002, pakd

Love and Lust.

I sought after you for your flesh
But you freely gave me your heart.
Now I feel shy to touch your flesh
Love from you ate away my lust.
30.06.2002, pakd

#Feed women for eggs

The hen must know
That you feed her for her eggs
If she comes to know
That it is for her flesh
She slips from you for ever
Hen is woman
PKD 2002

In the shell

Lured by me,
You moved towards me.
With no harm,
We were in perfect form.
Smelt by some,
You withdrew your tentacles.
Now you are in the shell,
Smelling, though not seeing me
PKD 2002

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hope enlivens

Many months had to roll on
To ignite her feeling for me,
Many more, to fan her desire,
Some more, to let her know my intention
And still more for her inclination.
Then it became an open secret,
Both moving each coin
With known intention.
Trysts took place with mates present.

Notwithstanding her freeness,
Notwithstanding her passion
And notwithstanding occasions,
She refused to budge further.
The parting came sooner.
It turned a fruitless crop,
While continuing to flower.
I still water for a miraculous fruit.

The intriguing women

The tempting women are sliding for adultery.
The ignored women are volunteering for adultery
Often, unobtrusive men are their prey

Pen her to pin her

A providing, possessive husband,
The endeared children, a good home,
A good wealth, a good standing
And a striking shyness are her credit.
Yet she looked for more
Which I have readily understood
And provided to her delight.
She wanted pampering and adoration.
Verses were penned; she was pinned.

Naturals need no teaching

It is hard to educate you
To love others’ kids as yours,
And others’ mothers as yours.
It is more futile to forbid you
To imagine others’ wives as yours.

The denied falsehood

I take pain to adorn me
To hit a woman and hook her sight.
I hit or not, I think I have hit.
It is this faith that makes me happy.
It is such faith with which I woo them.

You can’t pine on who deserts

Pain is much when you leave a soul.
Gone is such pain when the soul deserts.
Pain is much when you leave your love;
Gone is such pain when she deserts you
26.10.2002, Trichur

Woman is conditioned to be a feast

Those rapacious eyes of men,
As they are in and around,
Over my curves and contours,
I detest not and repels not,
Rather would prefer them
And yet choose to ignore,
Set to fear the tongue of scandal.
I am content to be a feast.

Those rapacious eyes of men,
Much in for-aught-I-mind,
Nevertheless have their food.
Man lives on his eyes;
Woman lives from his eyes.
29.10.2002, Chenn

The reserved are the revered

A soothing personality may evoke love,
Which is not to last.
A crude sincerity may evoke love;
Though late, that will long last.
In sexual love, the formidable one counts much.
Reserved women are revered women.
28.10.2002, Chenn

The doomed love exists

A love has its death when it is attained.
A love has no death when it is doomed.
All my loves live; I am doomed.
28.10.2002, Chenn

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Failure is not deterrent to love]

Sexual desire is necessarily callous
Propinquity is the ground to breed on.
Ethics thrown to wind, the love strikes.
Scandal follows close to betray it.
Vanity of pride puts a stop to it.

As many budding loves are dead
As there are dead gametes.
29.10.2002, Chenn

The belated joy

Of the lot, Preetha was the youngest,
The fairest, dignified and thebrightest.
Now I heard she had had liking for me.
I wish I knew it ere I left the arena.

We go oblivion of the love
That has come off the unknown soul
And missing to nurture it, leave thepavilion
To regret forever when we’ve learnt about it.

Draw eyes, mind and heart

The shape is the petal to lure the eyes.
The grace is the odour to purr the mind.
The love is the nectar to hooks the heart.
Three in one, a flower gets soon pollinated.

He to kiss , she to get it

Man’s hands must hold woman, not hers.
Man’s lips must kiss woman, not hers.
Then only does he feel sexual pleasure.
That only can generate in her the same

The perpetual beauty

She is my perpetual beauty
Whose youthful image excites me
Even now as it did in my youth
And whose aged figure follows suit.

Failure in progress

Half of women are frigid
And the other half, timid.
So man can hunt none
Yet fails not to hunt on.

Imitate a flower

Dear woman,
Do grow sensual lest you go petal-less.
Do grow sensuous lest you go odourless.
Do feel sensitive lest you go nectarless.
Be sexy, do love and be loved across;
You are meant for that; waste

Indenture oils

Many a courtship I had out door.
All aborted, having been suspected.
The mating I had with the maid indoor
Under indenture sank in without a trace.

Kamala Das

I bought a book written by you,
On whose wrapper your face at sixty,
With a stud on left nostril, the lock
Utter black by dye, in loose knot,
And lips as fleshy as your cheeks,
Stared at me, sultrier than any youth.
How sexier you must have been
A decade ago, two decades back
Or at your thirty, let alone twenty!
How fortunate those must have been,
Who revolved around you then!
How many wooed and how many were voyeurs!

Is it your exceptional intellect
That keeps you alluring?
Is it your matriarchal Clan
That keeps your eyes sensual?
Is it by your sensuous poems
That you look sensual
Or is it by your sensual and sensuous looks
Your writings came to be sensual?
I read your poems sensually
With your sexy figure in thought.
I read your face sensually
With your sexy poems in thoughts.
You or your verses, which tempt more?
‘Age cannot wither her, nor customs stale
Her infinite variety’

Merit has no merit.

No scandal ends in adultery.
No adultery traces to scandal.
Meritorious companions meet
And fall apart before they unite.
Under indenture adultery succeeds.

Wife is not a pet.

The babble of a baby
And the chatter of a pet
Appeal sweetest to the owners.
Why then fail their wives?

Consistency matters

Frequency of contact,
Intensity of contact,
And longevity of contact
Together or severally
Can burn even a banana sheath.
Love is fire that burns like that.


Dear beauty of the slim,
I have seen you in two dimension.
I have seen you enough
In celluloid, recast in televisions
And in posters and magazines.
I have never seen you in person.
I am a dust to you, who are in my bust.
You have enliven me in bed
As you must be doing millions.
I pity, you might end up,
Having exhausted all the libido
In having exhibited all the parts,
Before the incumbent excites you.

Leela- an eng. movie ^

Exile rating is the air she breathes,
Bewildering is the glance she casts;
Enticingly vulnerable is her condition.
She is a picture of smouldering sensuality.

With her poise and polish,
She makes you yarn and pine.
Driven by warmth of a young-becoming man,
She is like a cold candle set aflame.

No surgeon yet bringing relief,
No scalpel yet helping a heal,
In a moment, life might encapsulate
Its joys, yet life is not just a moment.

She lets go of her inhibition and collapses
Like surging waves falling on shores.
Simplistic in delineation, over simple in solution;
It develops into a little more than nothing.
Blinded, she and he entangles.

[Dimple kapadia enhanced the character.
The character enhanced Dimple Kapadia.
A sensitive portrayal.]

Parting is forgetting

The good things I did to her remind me.
The reluctances shown by her pricks me.
Her concessions given to me reminds her.
My overt action shown to her pricks her.
Both set to forget each other, parting.

Hostile typhoon

To him,
Voluptuous are her thick lips when she sulks;
Bewildering are her eyes when she lurks;
Enticing is her glow in high voltage.
An irresistible to encapsulate.

To her
Simulating are the moves that he employs;
Nourishing are the words that he writes.
The unobtrusive is his desire charged.
A ponderous, to put in a nutshell.

Driven by tides of time,
Perfidy stares at her face,
Fanned by the firebrand.
She is half ripe and he, fully ripe.
She is a cold candle set aflame.
A portrayal of sensuality.

With her poise and grace,
She makes him yawn and pine.
With his pen and words,
He makes her wean and lean.

She lets go of her inhibition
And collapses like waves
Splashing against old rock ashore.
He lets go of his reservation
And sweeps, like whirling wind,
The whole olive tree, semi ripe.

Both entangle themselves
And dismantle each other,
All in a hostile typhoon.
Since then rests on them the guilt.
[a middle aged woman and a lad
Were on the slippery ground]

Woman means beauty

To say that she is a beauty is not correct
In a sense, woman herself is a beauty.
Graduations take place with in that.
The woman’s beauty transcends colour and creed.
She is the truth, the essence, the genius,
The exuberances and the bliss.
And what not to a man’s eyes?
But she is man’s pawn.
Her fashion is in man’s power designs.
In some places, her feet were pruned.
In some periods, her hair was slashed.
Sometimes curls, sometimes short or close cut.
Fabrics in reduction and then in abundance.
A beautiful woman is a distorted woman.

A postmortem of an affair

The favours I poured her linger in me.
The petty allowances she gave do in
I forgot the embarrassments I made
She forgot disappointments she made.
This is the postmortem of the ended

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fighting to lose

Woman finds pleasure in showing,

Striking, tempting and slipping.

Man finds pleasure in finding,

Pursuing, pining and losing.

In sex, both sport to lose.


Happens what to happen

A violent kiss, a vehement embrace

And a storming thrust, a wife always craves,

Having had it lost since her nuptial night.

Take it as nothing happened if to her

Something happened, and put her at rest.


Wife is not a stone flower

A husband is, as it should be, the first
Immigrant of his wife’s flesh.
He believes, as it should be,
To be the only migrant to her soul.
A prowling lion in him dies
As she turns a stone flower.

When he strokes her chin,
His mind wanders elsewhere.
When he disturbs her morning sleep
It is for his bed-coffee.
He treats her the way
A seasoned priest does the idol.
She is not a deer to a lion,
to lie down as soulless, listless.
Maybe some prowling lion would step in
to plunder her.

Ask her why she takes a libertine,
Whether his are palms or claws,
Whether his fingers forks or hoes,
How she, a mouse, bears him, a lion.
To assuage the world and herself that she is
Not a stone flower, she does so.

My wife.

She is not royal like you, but young.
She is not modern like you, but sturdy.
She is not cute like you, but new.
Who is to blame if my eyes stray?

Waves to fall in love

Men eyes heave on woman as waves, on the shore.

Each wave of men has got a crush on her.

Waves in succession rise and fall ashore,

Each flash yielding innumerable droplets,

That have very much bearing on the shore.

Do they do without a purpose?

Do they do without any pleasure?

Is not the pleasure itself a purpose?

Acts of love are an on-going pleasure.

It purrs the senses, thanks to dopamine.

It enlivens the body, thanks to Endorphin

and Enkaphalins.

Loving is like breathing, with the end not in



Saturday, January 23, 2010

Figure and tongue

A woman is interested in listening to a man.
A man is interested in looking at a woman.
The figure for her and the tongue for him are the weapons.
She yields to hearing and he bends to seeing.